Qulaity Work Life (QWL)

The evolution of quality work life began in late 1960’s emphasizing the human dimension of work by focusing on the quality of relationship between the worker and the working environment. The key elements in QWL include decision participation, restructuring the nature of the work, enhancing the work environment and defining the reward structure.

Quality of Work Life is a set of principle which holds that people are the most important resource in the organization as they are trustworthy, responsible, and capable of making valuable contribution and they should be treated with dignity and respect.

The ways that people respond to their jobs have consequences for their personal happiness and effectiveness of their work organizations. Individual selectively perceive and make attributions about their jobs in accordance with the expectations they bring to the workplace. Two important focal points of adult life are family and work. Work-family conflict studies have contributed to a better understanding of role conflict and its impact on mental health and the quality of work life.

A career is the evolving sequence of a person’s work experiences over time. Career arises from the interaction of individuals with organizations and society. Career satisfaction is derived from rewarding salary, advancement and professional / development opportunities. As individuals reach the maturity stage of their careers, they place greater emphasis on a balance between their work and family lives. Due to the conflicting roles between work and family and commitment, it is hypothesized that the higher conflict in the work role will result in the low quality of family life, meaning that a higher conflict will result in the lower level of QWL. In short, having balance between work and family will result in the higher level of QWL.

With justifications from the foregoing, it is reasonable to suggest that aspects of career development with reference to career satisfaction and career achievement are factors likely to have impact on quality work life. Reward system is essential in promoting a climate of involvement and career satisfaction. Lastly, by mutually solving work-related problems, building cooperation, improving work environment, restructuring tasks, and carefully, fairly managing human resource outcomes and payoffs, quality work life program will benefit both employer and employees.

By: Maria Teresa A.Enriquez

Reference :
- Norton University Newsletter, September 2010 / January 2011, Page: 78.