Harmony At Work

People live and work in communities. Some share similar interests; some other have different enthusiasms. To keep all kinds of conflicts at bay and to make progress at work, people must have the same goals regardless of whatever the individual possesses. When people who work in the same place do not have the same objectives, they may not succeed in what their company wants. Therefore, harmony is inevitable at work. All employees including management board must manage to keep this harmony. There are several points that colleagues can do to maintain harmony at work.

The first and most important point is staying in the same convention. Colleagues who work in the same workplace are like the rowers who are in the same racing canoe. To push their boat to move fast and smoothly, they mush share the same felling and purpose are equally motivated, otherwise they may not win. In the same way, people working in the same place should consider the goals of their company prior to their personal interests. This mean they have to help one another to stay on the same track so that no one will stay too far from the common targets of the company.

Another fundamental point. The management board should treat all the subordinates equally, regardless of the personal attitudes, as they are all working for the same company. By so doing, all colleagues will feel comfortable and pleasantly work harder. What is more, personal matters should not be mixed up with work affairs. It appears to be terribly ugly when colleagues blend their own problems with their work. A manager may treat their subordinates unequally because of their personal relationship. This will definitely make the worse treated fell award; as a result, their enthusiasms for work may blunted.

Having regular meeting is also an essential way to sustain the common interests of the company and to give a chance for employees to share their ideas. The management board should set a schedule for regular meetings. In meetings, supervisors have the opportunity to remind colleagues about the goals of the company and to inform them about the new progress and objectives to help them catch up on things. Moreover, employees may have time to express their ideas on what they have achieved within a specific period of time so that everyone can learn from each other. Also they may give some feedback as well as suggestions about what should be done to improve the company’s quality. All the employees’ ideas should be taken into consideration. They may be delighted to share more ideas if their concepts are acknowledged, or they may just keep silent next time.

Finally, workers should have some group activities outside their work. When people have a chance to some activities outside their work such as playing sports, having parties, and traveling together, they can strengthen their relationship and understand each other better. This will definitely reduce some of their contrasting attitudes towards one another at work. Consequently, they will work shoulder to shoulder and accomplish the company’s targets dramatically.

To sum up, discord cannot exist at work at all if all the points mentioned above are strictly implemented. People cannot work pleasantly and a company cannot achieve its goals if there is no harmony.

By: Vath Chay

Reference :
- Norton University Newsletter, September 2010 / January 2011, Page: 79.